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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Your involvement is needed-PHIT Act of 2009

For your convenience, a sample action letter and links to your U.S. Representatives and Senators is below.

“The Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act of 2009”
(H.R. 2105)
A bill to promote increased physical activity to improve health in America.

What is PHIT?
PHIT is legislation pending in Congress to allow for reimbursement of physical activity expenses using pre-tax dollars. PHIT would reduce the costs of physical activity to encourage healthier lifestyles.

How does PHIT work?
PHIT would allow taxpayers to place up to $1,000 for individuals and $2,000 for families a year in existing pre-tax medical accounts for reimbursement of physical activity expenses; lower costs will promote active lifestyles and improve the health of Americans.

Covered expenses include:
· Youth camp & physical activity fees
· Membership and dues in a health club
· Exercise/fitness classes or instruction (personal trainer)
· Sports league fees (adult and youth)
· Marathon/Triathlon registration fees
· Equipment used exclusively for participation in physical exercise/activities

HERE IS HOW YOU CAN HELP…Please forward this email to your affiliates—leagues, coaches, families for action. Contact Congress now and let them know you want PHIT included in healthcare reform as a form of prevention. A sample action letter along with links to U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators is provided below.

HERE IS THE LINK TO FIND YOUR U.S. SENATORS…For a complete list of United States Senators including their name, address, phone numbers, and email addresses and home pages. http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

HERE IS THE LINK TO FIND YOUR U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES…For a complete list of United States Congressmen including their name, address, phone numbers, and email addresses and home pages. http://www.house.gov/writerep/

PHIT's goal to encourage active, healthy lifestyles and prevent illness make it an attractive option as Congress considers ways to reform health care and reduce medical expenditures. Let's blast the U.S. Congress with emails, faxes, and phone calls to support PHIT.

For additional information on PHIT please go to www.ncys.org/govrelations.html or go to www.getphit.sgma.com for details.



Date ________________

Dear Representative or Senator ______________________:

I want to commend you and your colleagues for making Health Care Reform a priority and ask for your support of initiatives to promote physical activity to improve health and reduce health care costs in America. Legislation introduced in the House, H.R. 2105 “The Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act of 2009” will prevent illness and improve health in America by encouraging more active lifestyles. It is well known that increased physical activity and a better diet are the keys to avoid sickness and a more healthy life. I hope you will support the PHIT legislation as it works through committees to Congressional floor votes.

Changes to our health care model are long overdue. Our current system focuses almost exclusively on treating illness once you become sick which has led to significantly higher medical costs. As Congress works to reform our health care system, it is critical to include initiatives that will lead to more active, healthy lifestyles in order to reduce future spending. PHIT will increase physical activity in America by making it more affordable. Much like our health care system as a whole, pre-tax medical accounts are primarily limited to reimbursements of expenses once you become sick. PHIT changes this outdated approach by making prevention of illness through physical activity a reimbursable expense. If we continue down the current path, the CDC projects that by 2015 $1 of $5 generated in the U.S. will be spent on health care. Our economy simply cannot afford this expense; we need to do more to promote better health in America. A 2003 report by the World Health Organization reinforced the economic benefits of physical activity in the U.S.: “Investing in physical activity programs will lead to economic savings…in the U.S. an investment of $1 in physical activity leads to $3.20 in medical cost savings.” It’s no coincidence that the dramatic growth in health care spending has paralleled the rise in obesity and sedentary lifestyles in America. Currently 2 out of 3 people in the U.S. are overweight or obese. With the incidence of expensive chronic illnesses significantly higher among the obese, we must encourage physical activity to reverse the trend toward sedentary lifestyles and obesity in order to reduce health care expenditures. America needs to get PHIT! Support prevention through increased physical activity. Thank you for your time and consideration of this proposal to help address America’s health care problem.


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